Delay in UCR Registration Enforcement – July 1, 2020

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a handheld chalkboard has various markings on it related to how full compliance can be reached by a company.
7 Apr 2020

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has released the delayed deadline for Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) to be July 1, 2020.

UCR registration enforcement typically begins on January 1st but there have been a few delays causing this later date of implementation. The initial postponement was due to the delay in the approval of fees. The most recent delay comes from the pandemic, COVID-19.

For these reasons, FMCSA has requested states delay the enforcement of registration until July 1, 2020. This gives carriers less than ninety days to file their renewals if they haven’t done so already.

For the third year in a row, motor carriers will see a decrease in registration fees. Fee reductions are based on recommendations from the UCR Board of Directors to FMCSA. You can find the 2020 fees, here.

Lee Trans can remove the stress of registration by establishing or renewing your UCR with our team of experts. Contact us at [email protected] or call (936) 632-1925 to begin a partnership that focuses on serving you.