Annual Queries for FMCSA Clearinghouse
Annual queries for the FMCSA Clearinghouse must be completed by January 5, 2021. Employers are required to conduct an annual query every 12 months on drivers operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) requiring a CDL.
A limited query may be run to satisfy the annual query requirement. A limited query will show any drug and alcohol violations but will not have specific information about the violation(s). Employers must get signed consent from the driver before conducting these queries. If data is reported on the limited query, employers are required to run a full query. Full query request can only be granted once the driver gives consent within the Clearinghouse database.
CDL drivers will need to register to review and approve the information in the Clearinghouse database. For instructions on how to register as a driver, click here. If you are an owner-operator, you will register as an employer and select that you are an owner-operator. You will also need a third-party administrator (TPA) listed on your account to report any positive test results.
For instructions on how to register as an employer, click here. Lee TranServices, Inc. is registered as a TPA. If you would like assistance in this area, dial (936) 632-1925 or email [email protected].